![]() 05/13/2018 at 15:15 • Filed to: PNW Oppo Cruise Spring 2018, oppo meet, Seattle oppo, PNW, Portland oppo | ![]() | ![]() |
Everything is set for the Sping 2018 PNW Oppo Cruise . The cruise starts at 11:00 on 05/19 at the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! just outside Castle Rock, WA. The start time is intended to allow Opponauts in the PNW the option of doing the entire trip in a single day. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
Depending on the weather, we may see views like this along the route.
Getting There
If you take I-5 all the way (the main route in), you will be taking Exit 49 , which is clearly marked with a large brown sign along I-5 that tells you to take the next exit for the Mount St Helens National Volcanic Monument. At the end of the exit (regardless of the direction you’re coming from) there will be another brown sign telling you which way to turn. If you will not be able to do more than 100 miles on what remains in your tank, I recommend filling up at one of these three stations. After turning, you will drive roughly 5 miles up this road, where you’ll see a small generic brown sign for a “Visitor Center” and a right hand turn lane. Follow this and immediately turn left for the parking lot (there are signs indicating camper parking and just parking). There is parking closer to the visitor center, but it’s limited and we’re more likely to find contiguous parking slightly further away.
Exit, turn, and the parking spaces I hope we’ll find open.
Finding Us
Look for my car, a white Focus ST. It will be backed in somewhere in this lot, hopefully in the areas I have marked above.
This is my car, in case it isn’t obvious among all the white, rental-spec, hatchback Ford Focuses that might be parked there.
You can also look for other highly Oppo/Jalop cars that will be joining us, most of which you have probably read about here on Oppo.
The Silver Lake Visitor Center
I plan to be at the visitor center by around 09:30-10:00 to wander around the boardwalk/stretch, so if you’re there early you probably won’t find me at my car. It’s still up in the air whether or not I’ll be staying somewhere down there prior to the cruise.
Once we’re together, I’m going to verify with everyone that they have enough gas to do roughly 100 miles. There’s only one more opportunity to buy gas on the way.
The Route
The road itself is not exceptionally technical, though it has some fun curvy sections near the top. Most of the run should be pretty tame with great views and the usual remote PNW highway driving experience. I’m hoping for very light traffic due to how early in the season this run will be (the observatory doesn’t open until 05/16).
Fire Mountain Grill
@ 19 Mile House for Lunch. This is about 20 minutes from the Visitor Center along the highway and the last place I’m aware of that serves food on the way up. If you have a better suggestion, please let me know.
View of the restaurant from the highway
(Optional) Elk Rock Viewpoint , if there is traffic and we need to allow it to clear, we can stop here for a while.
Castle Lake Viewpoint
. Same deal as Elk Rock.
Loowit Viewpoint
, where the speed limit on the road drops considerably and pedestrians start becoming a potential problem, we’ll pull off to take in the view just below the observatory.
The viewpoint, just below the observatory
Johnston Ridge Observatory , the end of the highway. This is a large visitor center that requires an entry fee or national parks/federal lands pass to enter. We’ll spend a while here at the end of the drive.
We can split up for the return or everyone is welcome to join me heading down.
Let me know if there’s anything you think should be changed.
Also, if you’re coming, please let us know and tell us what car you’ll be driving so we can more easily find each-other.
![]() 05/07/2018 at 19:37 |
I’ll be there. I’ve also set up a temporary Discord server to allow Oppos going on this cruise to communicate with each other by voice chat on their smartphones, hands-free. In the run-up to the cruise, everyone that is participating is encouraged to download the app and register an account (it’s free), and get familiar with the software. The idea is to use it as an ad-hoc CB radio, basically.
This is, however, hugely dependent on what cell phone infrastructure out there is like...lol. At the very least, it will be useful for coordinating the meetup at Castle Rock.
As I’m deaf, though, I won’t be able to make use of the voice function. :p
![]() 05/07/2018 at 20:37 |
This will be handy. Thank you for setting this up and recommending it.
![]() 05/07/2018 at 23:08 |
Unless plans change, i should be showing up in my faithful silver steed 05 Volvo xc70
![]() 05/08/2018 at 03:34 |
Unless something comes up last minute I’ll be there on this.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 11:38 |
This what I’m driving, plates are the same. I’m also putting this in my back window for easier spotting.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 14:10 |
If you run out of gas, we can just lash it to the push bars of my car for the drive to the gas station.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 14:14 |
Or maybe we could just do that anyways? Could be fun! With me still on the bike of course.
I’m not worried about it, range on this thing is over 200 miles and I’m going to carry extra fuel just in case.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 15:45 |
Hey, sorry to bother you again.
1) I’ll be bringing my wife, hope you don’t mind!
2) Would you reccomend driving through Seattle on the I5 or Bellevue on the 405
3) Do you want my cell #?
4) Thanks so much for doing an awesome job organizing this.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 16:25 |
You can just put the extra fuel in my trunk before we leave castle rock. I’ve got the space, so you don’t get weighed down by another gallon of sloshing liquid.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 16:25 |
1) I don’t mind, as long as she doesn’t.
2) Being early Saturday morning, I wouldn’t know for sure, but I’d bet on I-5 because I-405 is longer. It should be fairly light traffic. The return is a bigger dice roll, but I’d probably still bet on I-5, though only very slightly. On a weekday it might actually be I-405.
3) I probably won’t need it. Discord should cover communication pretty well. I may send my number there in case anyone needs to text/call.
4) You’re welcome. I’m sorry I’ve been a bit slow, it has been a busy time for me lately.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 16:26 |
It’s only a liter. It’ll hardly be anything compared to everything else I’ll have. Thanks though.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 16:45 |
Assuming good weather, I’ll be there on this
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:04 |
I’d love to go, but google maps says it’s “oh hellz no” hours away.
If it were closer to summer and I was more fiscally sound, I’d go.... probably by aeroplane.
Guess next year :/
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:23 |
I’d love to go but my daughter and her fiance (he’s never been to Seattle) are visiting 5/15-5/22, and I wanna spend time with them. Note I drive a Cayman, so no room for more than one passenger. Have fun folks!
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:27 |
I wish I could go
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:29 |
Sounds great!
I’ll be updating with weather as we get closer. Currently the estimated weather at the top is a high of 74F and partly cloudy with ~20% chance of rain.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:38 |
That’s quite a few km right there, I don’t blame you.
If you were there, we’d have representation of every country in North America...
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:44 |
I thought about trying to host a Cars and Coffee here in Mexico, but it’d be such a pain in the ass, though if Texan oppos got together for a meet up, driving to Texas isn’t as insultingly long as to the PNW.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:44 |
Perhaps next time. We will do another one closer to Seattle sometime this Summer and will probably do another Fall cruise. This is just the first one of the year now that the weather is getting nicer.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:46 |
Sounds cool. I think I will be in the Bluetec, taking such a drive in an unrestored 50+++ year old car doesn’t excite me in a good way. Going up the mountain doesn’t concern me as much as hours at I5 speeds. And in the modern car, 40+ mpg is a certainty:
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:49 |
The other upside to the PNW is that it’s a very different climate/environment. Adds to the foreign factor. Texas is mostly just like northeastern Mexico, except with different (trying to avoid death here) food.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 17:56 |
I totally understand that. Glad to hear that you’ll be joining us!
![]() 05/08/2018 at 18:02 |
I’d love to go there! I really need to visit the boeing factory in Everett... but it’s really far by car
![]() 05/08/2018 at 18:07 |
Since there’s two of you, take I-5 as it has a dedicated HOV lane. The HOV lane on I-405 is open to all throughout the weekend.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 18:14 |
thanks for the heads up!
![]() 05/08/2018 at 18:50 |
![]() 05/08/2018 at 22:50 |
Aw, man- I thought you’d be with me in the back of the pack in a slow, questionable old car!
![]() 05/08/2018 at 22:54 |
I’m 90% certain that I’ll be there. If I can find the time to finish the brake work, I’ll hopefully be puttering along slowly in my Studebaker. If it pans out, I’ll probably stick it on the car trailer and unload it at the meeting point. Breaking down on a country road is one thing, breaking down on I-205/I-5 is another. I should note that I’ve never really driven it more than about 30 miles in a single trip.
Pics of the car: see previous post about how I can’t attach images in replies...
And if the Studebaker doesn’t work out... Cherokee? Suburban?
![]() 05/08/2018 at 23:30 |
If you were up here, I’d offer to help with the brakes.
It’s a great looking car! I’d oil or thickly wax that rust so oxygen can’t get to it and embrace that sweet patina.
Worst case, if you bring the Studebaker and break down, I will have an open seat for the rest of the cruise and I’ll get you back to your tow rig (and help with loading, if you want). If you join the Discord channel, I’ll send my number to the group shortly before the cruise so you can call me if the worst happens.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 23:44 |
Where are you coming from? It’s roughly 150 miles each way for me, most of that on the interstate - I suspect the old dear would seek revenge if I subjected her to that kind of work on a Saturday morning. My towing package only covers 25 miles, I think.
To be fair, I think the car would make it, but I don’t know if I want the stress.
![]() 05/08/2018 at 23:51 |
I hope you’re able to make it. I believe you’ll be the only Volvo in the group at this point...
![]() 05/09/2018 at 00:02 |
Oregon City, so just over an hour from the rendezvous point.
And to be fair, I’m bringing my own tow!
![]() 05/09/2018 at 00:07 |
Thanks for the offer! I’ll be looking for your number.
I really just need more hours in the day for the brakes. I worked all weekend and was sick as a dog yesterday on my one day off. I still had some recovery today obviously since I crashed as soon as I got home. It’s like I work so much that when I do get time away from work my body says “screw your plans, we’re staying in bed”.
I’d embrace the patina is it weren’t for the gaping holes in the front fenders. I have rust-free fenders in the shed, as well as a non-mangled grille. I just really, really hate body work!
![]() 05/09/2018 at 00:09 |
Got a friend to follow you?
Come to think of it, it might be a little over 150 each way for me - I think from here Silver Lake has to be 120 miles by itself. If we had a Puget Sound area meeting, I’d take the old car (but that would be too far for you, I assume). The old car would be more unusual for people to see, but it’s a risk.
This way I can be comfy and get literally twice the mileage without watching the oil pressure and temperature gauges like a hawk for the entire trip.
![]() 05/09/2018 at 00:12 |
I totally get it- I’m a bit apprehensive about taking my car for this cruise. I’m planning to leave my tow rig at the mettup spot, and if anything happens, I’ll hitch hike with another Oppo back to my truck.
![]() 05/09/2018 at 09:03 |
Ah, so you are going to tow the oldie to the meeting place and drive it from there? Nice plan.
I took my old car on a club event around Mt Rainier a few years ago - about a 250 mile round trip, I think, but it was at slow speeds. The high speed interstate is what concerns me most, more pressure on the car, and chances for trouble. If I could drive down there on a 50 mph road, I’d consider it.
![]() 05/09/2018 at 10:04 |
The only thing that might stop me is I start a new job today and the schedule is still a bit up in the air. Otherwise I plan on being there and bringing dog with.
![]() 05/09/2018 at 12:10 |
Congratulations on the new job.
Now the burning question: Are you bringing extra pants?
![]() 05/09/2018 at 18:06 |
I didn’t notice the holes, but I see them now. That’s too bad, but definitely a reason to replace them.
You know, the same seems to happen to me and my wife. The moment we go on vacation, we instantly get sick...
![]() 05/09/2018 at 20:51 |
Possibly. Good news, I get 3 day weekends! On the weekend!
![]() 05/09/2018 at 22:49 |
I plan to bring my daughter and make a day of it- do some hiking, take it slow... She’s only 18 months, but she LOVES the Stude! The road out to St. Helens should be pretty non-busy, so hopefully I’m not holding anyone up!
![]() 05/09/2018 at 23:19 |
I think you’ll be fine - it’s tough to go very fast for any period of time on that road anyway, and it is very early in the tourist season. I know my car could handle it. I looked at the backroads getting down there, and it would take an eon - no direct path.
![]() 05/10/2018 at 00:41 |
Bad news, sr20 opens this friday and I have to work.
![]() 05/10/2018 at 08:44 |
Next weekend as well?
![]() 05/10/2018 at 21:49 |
The gate opening ceremony is expected to be friday 5/11 at 10am. I wish I could be there, I have wanted to go for years, back when they handed out sticky buns.
![]() 05/11/2018 at 15:17 |
Virtually mostly certainly that I will be going-ish.
I’ll be bringing the Paseo
![]() 05/11/2018 at 15:47 |
You’ll be walking?
![]() 05/11/2018 at 16:28 |
Sounds like a great drive and crew - would love to attend one of these sometime. We’re expecting my wife to give birth to our first child any moment now though, so not in the cards for us this time. Looks like you’ve done a lot of work to coordinate this, credit is certainly due!
Just curious how many Portland area Oppos are attending. I’ve seen/talked to a handful here and there but not sure how big the PDX group is? Would be cool to do something along the Oregon Coast/gorge sometime too if there’s a big enough group worth organizing with.
![]() 05/11/2018 at 18:21 |
Thanks. We’ll have more periodically. The next 1-2 for this year will likely be closer to Seattle, though. I do love driving the Oregon Coast and the Columbia River Gorge (I’m particularly fond of the “Historic Columbia River Highway”, in spite of the usual traffic.).
Preemptive congratulations! I’ll be joining the first child club with you this coming winter...
Currently, I know of at least two, but I haven’t taken specific notes about where everyone is coming from. I am pretty sure there are more, but I don’t know who is the authoritative person on the people in PDX (perhaps AMGtech?).
![]() 05/11/2018 at 21:25 |
Believe me I’m dreading the I5 part. 4300rpm with minimal sound deadening and no creature comforts beyond a nice stereo (to increase the already present hearing loss). For hours... Sigh
![]() 05/11/2018 at 21:31 |
I’ll bring a skateboard in the Miata in case something goes wrong
![]() 05/11/2018 at 21:37 |
I’ll have quite a few tools packed, so make sure to brush up on your Miata repair knowledge
![]() 05/11/2018 at 22:31 |
I don’t have any of that. Dirty Japanese crap cans are beneath me
![]() 05/11/2018 at 22:48 |
I suspect my old car isn’t far off that - 2.2l I6, 4 speed, goes into 4th by 30 mph or so - it has to be well over 3000 rpm at cruising speed anyway. Maybe not the best for hours on 50+ year old parts.
I can take the modern car, quiet comfort, 40+ mpg, etc - less adventure but more relaxation. I think that’s a good choice. If we had a secondary 50-60 mph road instead of I5, it would be more enticing.
![]() 05/11/2018 at 23:01 |
That’s it. I’m attaching the paintball cannon to the front bumper. I hope you’re agile on that heavy bicycle of yours!
![]() 05/12/2018 at 02:47 |
That heavy bicycle has more power than your oversized go kart but weighs about five times less. Catch me if you can!
![]() 05/12/2018 at 03:07 |
*crys internally*
![]() 05/12/2018 at 10:22 |
![]() 05/13/2018 at 15:47 |
Psh, baby or drive you need to get your priorities in order!
(Kidding, congratulations on the baby!!)
![]() 05/13/2018 at 17:25 |
I should be there in the jag.
![]() 05/18/2018 at 01:55 |
Will you be willing to share your kit if we need it? I’m planning to bring some metric and imperial sockets, ratchets, assorted hand tools, zip ties, rope, jumper cables, shop towels, and a jug of gas just in case anything needs to be fixed.
![]() 05/18/2018 at 15:58 |
Of course. I’ll have a full metric socket kit, fluids basic wiring kit and whatever else will fit in a medium sized tool bag. Plus a jackstand. I’d imagine there will be plenty of bottle jacks between everyone in the group